Tuesday, 11 August 2015

Independenceday Status, Fact....

This nation will remain the land of the free only so long as it is the home of the brave. Happy Independence Day

Take the future in ur hands
see it resting in ur palms
it’s not to late to take a stand
You’ll be sorry when it’s gone
Happy Independence Day !

Liberty is the breath of life to nations..

Na maro sanam bewafa ke leeye,
Do gaz jameen nhi milegi dafan hone k liye,
Marna hain toh maro vatan ke liye,
Hasina b duppta utar degi tere kafan ke liye.

Today we are miles apart
but I wanna reach across the miles
and say I’m thinking of you
in a very special way


Lets celebrate and solute the noble cause,
Its our nation which is shining as it was,
Its Independence Day Today..
Don’t forget the effort,make it movement of mass !
Independence Day Status for Facebook
The Free Man Is He Who Does Not
Fear To Go The End Of His Thought.
HaPpY iNdEpEnDeNcE dAY..

Other might have forgotten,But never can I,
The Flag of my country,Furls very high,
Happy Independence day..


Jhanda lehrana hai,
Vande Mataram ke geet gana hai!
Sunakr desh ko lalkarna hai,
Aao milkar ab swapn dekha jo sakar karna hai!

Let every patriot be honored;
Don’t let politics get in the way.
Without them, freedom would have died;
What they did, we can’t repay.
Happy Independence Day

If our country is worth dying for in time of war let us resolve that it is truly worth living for in time of peace.
- See more at: http://independencedayspeech.co.in/happy-independence-day-india-status-for-whatsapp-facebook-instagram.html#sthash.66V3PDRE.dpuf


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